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Keywords: Land Rights


    Protecting women from danger in Darfur

    • Ben Fraser
    • 11 December 2006

    Internally displaced person (IDP) camps offer a modicum of safety and sustenance amidst spiraling levels of deprivation and insecurity. But there is an increasing incidence of rape and physical assault upon women who have ventured outside the camp to comb the barren landscape for firewood. In Darfur, an environment where law and order often functions as the exception rather than the rule, rights are regularly challenged and violated. For those denied protection, each day plays out in a familiar way—seeking little, but risking all.


    Wotjobaluk man

    • As told by William John Kennedy Snr
    • 08 July 2006
    1 Comment

    William John Kennedy Snr. is the oldest male Aboriginal elder in the State of Victoria. He fought in the Second World War. He worked on the railways. He campaigned for land rights. And he just happens to be my grandfather. To most people he’s known as ‘Uncle Jack’, but to me, he’s ‘Pop’. This is his story.


    Confessions of a land rights advocate

    • Frank Brennan
    • 18 May 2006

    It could be time to think of abandoning the present system of native land title, which mainly benefits lawyers. A better system may be an arbitral system that declares what the rights of the parties ought to be according to the justice and circumstances of the individual case.


    Rights and responsibilities

    • Marcelle Mogg
    • 08 May 2006

    Australia’s agreement with Papua New Guinea over the use of Manus Island as an off-shore detention and processing centre for asylum seekers, expired at the end of October.


    Justin Glyn

    • Justin Glyn

    Justin Glyn is a Jesuit priest who grew up in South Africa and migrated to New Zealand in 1998. He has practised law in both countries and has a doctorate in international and administrative law from the University of Auckland. After his ordination he will travel to Canada to study a Licence in Canon Law at St Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. He has published articles on theology and an adapted version of his Ph.D thesis was published by Presidian in 2009 under the title Fundamental Rights in Administrative Decision-Making: Peremptory Norms as Objective Standards in Immigration and Refugee Cases.